Friday 31 May 2013

Personal Project; Decay - Inspired by Rosamond Purcell

I was inspired by the work of Rosamond Purcell who finds and creates decayed objects. When I first looked at her pieces of artwork I found them captivatingly interesting, with dishevelled paper torn, with various items inserted within. However, when I looked at what was within her artwork I saw fish bones, old items, woven into old, burnt books, creating pieces that were really quite remarkable. This appealed to me as the book could be metaphorically telling a story of something which evidently also decays. I also loved the idea of using bits of text within art and thought this could be incorporated within my own pieces. I wanted to use The Winter Gardens as a setting for work inspired by Rosamond Purcell’s in order to create something that would make people think about the work and the themes associated with it such as the concept of time. I did this by showing the decay of The Morecambe Winter Gardens through embroidery, torn pictures and pieces of fabric - symbolising performers costumes.

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